Director's Message

KCT Business School with its strong foundation is advancing into period of growth and transformation The institution is pursuing an outlook that greatly accelerates the process of launching new directions and rapidly executing fresh set of initiatives. A wide range of actions are being integrated and opportunities identified, to drive growth and breakthrough results. Transformation in our institution means opening up new possibilities for growth and quickly moving from Big Ideas to Big Results. This dynamism will drive our Institution to emerge better, stronger, and more powerful.


KCT Business School aspires to develop technically competent business leaders for global organizations. The thrust areas of the school are augmenting the managerial competencies to the technical expertise of our students; fostering a global perspective in research and academics; and creating a breed of leaders who add value to the corporates. To accomplish these directions, we focus on faculty excellence, educational excellence, research excellence and administrative excellence.


I am sure that this aspiration will engineer business leaders from our vibrant campus, who vision, aspire, strategize, lead, innovate, create and transform. Exciting intellectual environment fostered in the School will promote a distinctive education that inspires a zest for learning and research. Closer alliance with manufacturing industry will ensure that business savy engineers who understand business aspects of technology are groomed. Student's lifelong success as a principled leader in business and society will be the fruition of the School.


Whether you are a prospective student, an alumnus, a corporate partner seeking qualified candidates, or a faculty, I trust that you will find that the KCT Business School is portal of endless opportunities for intellectual and personal growth.


Best Wishes

Dr. Vijila Kennedy,Ph.D.


KCT Business School